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Our Mission Statement is:

'To educate each and every unique child in our care, to hear and respond to what God calls them to be'

Please select policies from the list below.

Please Note: If you would like a hard copy of any of our policies listed below, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 0121 554 1825 or via our school email:

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026

Admissions Policy 2026 - 2027

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Policy

In order to realise our Mission statement ‘to educate each and every unique child in our care to hear and respond to what God calls them to Saint John Wall Secondary School is committed to leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance teaching and learning experiences, improve administrative efficiency, and prepare pupils for a technologically advanced society.

Anti - Bullying Policy

It is a basic entitlement of all children that they receive their education free from humiliation, oppression and abuse of any kind. Victims of bullying can suffer physical and psychological abuse, isolation, loneliness, insecurity and anxiety. They may be subjected to name calling, teasing, intimidation or extortion. This is UNACCEPTABLE and is never to be ignored.

Attendance Policy

Regular school attendance is always of the greatest importance. It is also a matter of law that a child attends school every day. Without good attendance, the efforts of the best teachers and the best school will come to nothing. Education provides a means of advancement for all young people. Pupils need to attend regularly to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them in law.

Assessment and Feedback Policy

In order to realise our Mission statement ‘to educate each and every unique child in our care to hear and respond to what God calls them to be’ and to offer the highest quality of feedback leading to good pupil progress, St John Wall Catholic School has a marking, homework & assessment policy. This policy is mindful of the Catholic nature of the school and its continued pursuit of excellence in all areas of school life. 

Behaviour Policy

Saint John Wall Catholic School believes that all members of its community must be involved in the implementation of policies relating to keeping a disciplines, orderly, secure and happy learning environment. Ensuring high standards of behaviour how we enable pupils to achieve their potential and meet the school’s expectations.

Bereavement Policy

The Bereavement Policy will provide clear information and procedural direction so that in the event of a death and bereavement a school is able to respond calmly and efficiently. It will help us give the necessary guidance and support to those who are grieving in a sensitive and compassionate manner.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Introduction Policy

A young person’s career reflects the progress they make in learning and work. It is part of the vision and mission of the school that all learners need a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

Charging and Remissions Policy Statement

The Governing Body of Saint John Wall School recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils' education.

Child Protection Policy - See Safeguarding Policy

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils.  We believe that all staff and visitors have an important role to play in child protection.

Code of Conduct for Governors

As a Governing Board, our overarching responsibility is to ensure that we comply with our legal and canonical duty to ensure that the Catholic character of the school is preserved and developed. This duty permeates everything that we do.

Prayer and Liturgy Policy

An intrinsic part of the school day is prayer and liturgy.  It is the outward expression of our inward journey towards our full relationship with God.

Complaints Policy

The main purposes of this Complaints Procedure are:

to resolve problems; to give parents a means to raise issues of concern and to have them addressed; to show parents the most appropriate person to whom a concern/complaint should be raised; to encourage all parties to raise and/or respond to concerns as quickly as possible so that they may be dealt with whilst the matter is fresh in peoples’ minds. To stress that at all stages of this policy the discussions, consideration and hearings should be investigatory rather than adversarial in their nature.

Data Protection Policy (Pupils and Parents)

The privacy of our pupils, their parents and carers is very important to us and we have taken steps to protect it. This Policy explains how we use your personal information and your rights in relation to your own personal data.

Definition of a 'Practising Catholic'

The Archdiocese of Birmingham requires that those appointed as foundation governors and to certain key posts within Catholic schools are ‘practising Catholics’. This document defines what a ‘practising Catholic’ is for the purpose of these appointments.

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy

All pupils need to feel safe, accepted and valued in order to learn. For pupils who are
learning English as an additional language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and background. As a school, we are aware that multilingualism is a strength and that EAL pupils have a valuable contribution to make. We take a whole school approach, including ethos, curriculum, education against racism and promoting language awareness.

Equality Policies and Accessibility Plans

At Saint John Wall Catholic School we are committed to advancing equality and promoting respect for difference and diversity through the school’s mission, ethos and values.

Examination Policies

Family Life Education Policy (RSE)

In this policy the Governors and teachers, in partnership with pupils and their parents, set out their intentions about relationships and sex education (RSE). We set out our rationale for and approach to relationships and sex education in the school. At St John Wall, RSE will take place through our Family Life Education Programme.

Fire Evacuation Procedure

In case of fire (even if it is a false alarm or a practice) the safety of pupils, staff and visitors is always paramount.

Freedom of Information Policy 

The school will comply with: The terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and any subsequent relevant legislation, to ensure all information held by the school is treated in a manner that is fair and lawful.

High Prior Attaining Pupils

We identify our high prior attaining pupils by recognizing the pupils who in their Key Stage 2 English, Reading and Maths national curriculum tests, have an average scaled score greater than or equal to 110. This is based purely on results, rather than specific skills and attributes and therefore targets primarily academic pupils. Once on the list, pupils remain on it throughout their school career.

Health and Safety Policy

The Governing Body believes that ensuring the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors is essential to the success of the school.

Health and Safety Science Department Policy

This Science Department Health & Safety Policy should be read in conjunction with the employer’s general Health & Safety Policy and [where separate] the detailed arrangements for implementing that policy in this school. The purpose of this document is to record the arrangements made in the science department to implement the policy in accordance with the Code of Practice or Guidance issued by the employer.

Homework Policy

At Saint John Wall Catholic School, we value the role of homework in educating our pupils.Educational research shows that homework is a vital element in the learning process and supports pupils making accelerated progress. We want homework to support the development of independent learning skills and foster a love for learning.

Medical Policy

This school is an inclusive community that aims to support and welcome pupils with medical conditions.

'No Platform' Policy

Birmingham City Council devotes much time and energy to ensure that our employees,
members and communities are confident that their Council operates in a fair and
democratic way, demonstrating through our services the highest standards of equality
and social justice.

Online Safety Policy for Staff and Pupils

The school Online Safety Policy:

• sets expectations for the safe and responsible use of digital technologies for learning, administration, and communication.

• allocates responsibilities for the delivery of the policy.

Privacy Policy

Prevent Policy - See Safeguarding Policy

PSHE Policy

PSHE is defined as: 'a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.' PSHE Association 1.

Pupil Premium Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline how we will ensure that the Pupil Premium allocated to us has an impact on narrowing the attainment gaps which currently exist between our disadvantaged pupils and peers.

Policy Statement on Provider Access

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Records Management Policy

Saint John Wall Catholic School recognizes that by efficiently managing its records, it will be able to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the institution. 

Remote Learning Policy

In order to realise our Mission statement ‘to educate each and every unique child in our care to hear and respond to what God calls them to be’, St John Wall Catholic School has a remote learning and masterclass policy, that is mindful of the Catholic nature of the school, its continued pursuit of excellence and the protection of pupils’ education in all areas of school life.

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances with provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.  

  • Read More - pdf
  • Managing Allegations and Low Level Concerns Relating to Adults Policy - Read More
  • A Parents Guide to Extremism and Radicalisation - Read More
  • Extremism and Radicalisation - Guide for Parents - Read More

SEN and Disabilities Policy and Accessibility Plan Policy and Practice

Saint John Wall Catholic School aims to promote equality of opportunity for all pupils by supporting their academic, spiritual, physical and social development. We shall endeavour to enhance pupils’ own self-worth, aspiration and expectations. All staff support the learning entitlement of all pupils to a broad and balanced education, including the National Curriculum.

Teaching and Learning Policy

In order to realise our Mission Statement 'to educate each and every unique child in our care to hear and respond to what God calls them to be' and to offer the highest quality of teaching and learning, which will equip students for life' St John Wall Catholic School has a learning and teaching policy.

Trips & Visits Policy

Saint John Wall Catholic School is an 11-16 school. All visits, trips and off-site activities are planned, organised, conducted and reviewed in line with the Birmingham City Council Policy for Educational Visits and Learning Outside the Classroom and the National Guidance from

Uniform Policy

Saint John Wall Catholic School is a uniform school. Pupils are expected to wear full school uniform at all times.

Whole School Literacy and Numeracy Policy

Good literacy and numeracy skills enable pupils to access the curriculum more effectively and are a strong predictor of academic success. 

Whistleblowing and Serious Misconduct Policy 

Saint John Wall Catholic School along with Birmingham City Council is committed to ensuring that it, and the people working for it, complies with the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability.