Staff List
Senior Leadership Team
- Miss Marston
Deputy Headteacher
- Mr Holder
Assistant Headteachers
- Ms Hanson
- Miss Timmins (DSL and SPOC)
- Mr Lloyd-Price (Deputy DSL and Deputy SPOC)
- Miss Guest
- Miss Lally
Associate Assistant Headteacher
- Mr Rathbone
Support Staff Senior Leader
- Mr Holden
Pastoral Leaders
Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour, Attitudes and Inclusion, DSL and SPOC
- Miss Timmins
Assistant Headteacher - Personal Development and Catholic Ethos, Deputy DSL and Deputy SPOC
- Mr Lloyd-Price
Pastoral Associate
- Miss Reynolds
Head of Year
- Year 7 - Mrs Ellis
- Year 8 - Mr Jasat
- Year 9 - Miss Cummings
- Year 10 - Mr Hussain
- Year 11 - Mrs Chand
House Enrichment Coordinator
- Miss Young
Curriculum Leaders - Senior Middle Leaders
Head of Religious Studies & Catholic Ethos
- Mr Lloyd-Price
Head of Maths & Numeracy
- Mr Mughal
Head of Science & STEM
- Miss Kiyani
Head of English & Literacy
- Miss Jones
Head of Humanities & Languages
- Mr McIntosh
Head of Bucket 3 Subjects
- Mr Rathbone - PE and Health, Computing and Enterprise
Curriculum Leaders - Middle Leaders
Lead Teacher of IT, Computing and Enterprise
- Mr Esmaili
Lead Teacher of Performing Arts
- Miss Antonucci
Lead Teacher of Art and Design
- Mrs Towie
Humanities Co-ordinators
- Mr Brayshaw
- Ms Levine
Lead Teacher of PE and Health, and School Games Organiser (Active@SJW)
- Mrs Ratcliffe
Learning Support and EAL
Consultant for SEND
- Mrs Crooks
SENDCO and DLP Hub Co-ordinator
- Mrs Breslin
Support Staff
Headteacher's Support Manager
- Miss Pollock
Site Manager
- Mr Uddin
Network Manager
- Mr Wieremiewicz