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Our Mission Statement is:

'To educate each and every unique child in our care, to hear and respond to what God calls them to be'

SENDCO Consultant: Mrs Crooks

At Saint John Wall Catholic School, our mission statement is ‘To educate each and every unique child in our care, to hear and respond to what God calls them to be.’ We recognise every child as a unique individual and made in the image of God which means we aspire to give every child the opportunity to explore their vocation in life. We are committed to ensuring all pupils become independent learners and achieve the best possible outcomes both academically and personally. Our aims are to: 

  1. Identify a pupil’s individual and specific areas of need early and make provision to meet their needs and ensure that there is high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils and ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged and that pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well. 
  2. Provide regular professional development for staff to ensure that all pupils have access to quality first teaching in lessons and pupil coaches are able to work with targeted pupils within the curriculum to aid progress and attainment. This will ensure that that the curriculum is successfully adapted, designed or developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities. 
  3. Provide targeted small group intervention focussed on key skills to accelerate pupil progress both academically and personally.  For example, Lexia, spelling and reciprocal reading. The focus of small group interventions changes frequently based on the needs of the pupils in our care.  Pupils are selected based on progress data and teacher feedback. Small group intervention is regularly reviewed to track progress and monitor impact to ensure that pupils acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. 
  4. Liaise closely with the Local Authority's Support Services to ensure that the needs of all SEND pupils are met, in particular to ensure that our pupils with SEND are prepared for the next stage of education and their adult lives. 

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Centre Hub

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Centre Hub is part of Saint John Wall Catholic School and aims to meet the needs of SEND pupils working significantly below age related expectations through quality first teaching and bespoke support. We offer short term placements (usually 6-8 weeks) for pupils from Saint John Wall Catholic School and other schools in the North-West Network with a focus on Literacy that will enable them to make rapid progress and access the mainstream KS3 curriculum on return to their home school.  In cohort one, on average, pupils improved their reading and comprehension age by 6 months and improved their spelling age by 1 year and 4 months. 

Pupils are taught an appropriately broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum of English, Maths, Science, RE and Humanities. Pupils will also have a PE lesson and Life Skills lesson each week. The focus of the curriculum will be on rapidly improving Literacy skills as well as personal development.

Parent comment:  

"First of all, I would like to thank the teachers very much for the support you gave my child. Every morning he’s excited and every day after school he comes home joyful, and he feeds my ears with the day he has had. The programme has given him the confidence to engage in conversation with pupils, he also says he’s not afraid to give feedback or ask questions which was one of his biggest barriers he had at his home school."

Pupil comment:  

"The programme helped me to understand more new words and I enjoyed learning more skills that can help me. I even enjoyed reading new books that I never read before which makes me happy. "

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

This is a support service for parents.  They can offer independent and unbiased advice and information about the assessment procedures and educational provision for your child.  

For more information please email: or phone 0121 303 5004

Children's Information and Advice Service (CIAS) - 0121 303 1888