Transition - ‘Every Child Deserves a Good Start’
Saint John Wall Catholic School collects the following transition data on your child before they start our school in September, this data is shared by their primary schools to facilitate early planning and a smooth transition from Year 6 primary to secondary school:
- Safeguarding file and social care involvement
- Behaviour record
- SEN information, including plans and adaptations
- Attainment information
- Attendance information
- Medical records, including plans
- Current agencies involved
The ‘Every Child Deserves a Good Start’ Transition Form identifies pupils requiring additional, bespoke transition planning before the September start date and the transfer of the Common Transfer File (CTF). This information supports follow-up conversations and meetings between the receiving secondary school and the child’s primary school, particularly for pupils needing extra support during transition days and summer programmes, such as the Bring it on Brum! holiday activities.
GDPR Considerations
When using the Transition Form, the following principles will be observed:
- Promote effective communication between schools, parents/carers, and other involved parties.
- Gather detailed information about a child’s needs to aid their transition and settlement into secondary school.
- Discuss necessary changes to the environment and routines.
Children who may benefit from specialist transition support include:
- Children known to social care
- CYP with special or additional educational needs
- CYP with recent multi-agency involvement. For example, involvement from professionals such as an educational psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, or the Children and Adolescence Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
- CYP identified by school staff or other professionals as needing personalised transition packages
Please note, schools are not required to gain consent to share safeguarding information.
Moving from primary school to secondary school
Moving from primary school to secondary school is a big step for children and here at Saint John Wall Catholic School we share the concerns parents and children may have.
To support your child in a smooth transition to our secondary school our Primary Liaison Co-ordinator regularly visits our Catholic and non-Catholic primary schools throughout the year.
We regularly invite Year 5 and 6 pupils to our school for them to take part in fun activities in Science, PE, ICT, Music, Art and RS.
We feel it is vitally important that pupils feel at ease when moving from primary school to secondary school.
My child has been accepted at Saint John Wall Catholic School – What happens next?
Once your child has formally been accepted into Saint John Wall Catholic School we go even further to help support them in their smooth transition into secondary school life.
You can find out more about our school by clicking the link below.